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About the NewPeople

The NewPeople is the progressive peace and justice newspaper of Pittsburgh and the Tri-State region. It is published 11 times a year by the Thomas Merton Center. Intended to fill the voids left by the mainstream media reflecting the reality of progressive and alternative politics, locally, nationally and globally, it reports on the issues of war, poverty, racism and oppression, raising the moral questions involved in the non-violent struggle to bring about a more peaceful and just world. The NewPeople acts as an organizing tool and communiqué for Thomas Merton Center members and the activist community at large.


3,500 monthly newspapers are distributed to local organizations, businesses and individuals. There is a 10% discount for non-profit organizations and faith-based groups. Become a member of the Thomas Merton Center to receive a one year subscription and enjoy the benefits of getting the NewPeople delivered right to your door each month!


Or, join the Thomas Merton Center’s Editorial Collective to help us ensure The NewPeople’s continued development as a responsible, progressive, meaningful publication of Pittsburgh’s peace and justice community. Editorial Collective members are always on the look-out for stories for the paper and new places to distribute it. Participation requires only a commitment to peace and justice and an interest in newspapers. Experience and knowledge in writing, editing, and photographing is helpful, but not necessary. Interested? Send an e-mail to


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